International Journal of Web Information Systems: Volume 17 Issue 4


Table of contents

Click models inspired learning to rank

Amir Hosein Keyhanipour, Farhad Oroumchian

Incorporating users’ behavior patterns could help in the ranking process. Different click models (CMs) are introduced to model the sophisticated search-time behavior of users…

Value trace problems with assisting references for Python programming self-study

San Hay Mar Hay Mar Shwe, Nobuo Funabiki, Yan Watequlis Syaifudin, Phyu Phyu Tar, Htoo Htoo Sandi Kyaw, Hnin Aye Thant, Wen-Chung Kao, Nandar Win Min, Thandar Myint, Ei Ei Htet

This study aims to present the value trace problem (VTP) for Python programming self-study, by extending the works for Java programming learning assistant system. In total, 130…

How social presence influences impulse buying behavior in live streaming commerce? The role of S-O-R theory

Junlan Ming, Zeng Jianqiu, Muhammad Bilal, Umair Akram, Mingyue Fan

This paper aims to examine how presence (the social presence of live streaming platforms, of viewers, of live streamers and telepresence) affects consumer trust and flow state…


Simulation of crowd management using deep learning algorithm

Ibtehal Talal Nafea

This study aims to propose a new simulation approach for a real-life large and complex crowd management which takes into account deep learning algorithm. Moreover, the proposed…

Performance evaluation of GPU- and cluster-computing for parallelization of compute-intensive tasks

Alexander Döschl, Max-Emanuel Keller, Peter Mandl

This paper aims to evaluate different approaches for the parallelization of compute-intensive tasks. The study compares a Java multi-threaded algorithm, distributed computing…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Honghao Gao
  • Prof. Li Kuang