Interactive Technology and Smart Education: Volume 16 Issue 4


Table of contents

The effects of video game making within science content on student computational thinking skills and performance

Varvara Garneli, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos

This study aims to explore the effects of an alternative learning environment, such as the video game making (VGM) within science content, on computational thinking (CT) skills…

Matching serious games with museum’s educational roles: smart education in practice

Meng Wang, Miguel Baptista Nunes

This study aims to present a meta-analysis of the use of serious educational games in museums. The analysis is based on a critical literature review that maps educational roles of…

The writing performance of elementary students using a digital writing application: Results of a teacher–librarian collaboration

Sheila F. Baker, Renée E. Lastrapes

This paper aims to investigate elementary students’ writing experiences using a digital writing application and compares the results to the findings and recommendations of a…


The educational impact of using mobile technology in a database course in college

Spartak Sakibayev, Razakh Sakibayev, Bela Sakibayeva

Nowadays, when mobile devices are actively evolving and penetrating the various spheres of human activity they have a potential to modernize and facilitate the sphere of IT…

A comparative study between a computer-based and a mobile-based assessment: Usability and user experience

Stavros A. Nikou, Anastasios A. Economides

The purpose of this study is to compare the overall usability and user experience of desktop computers and mobile-devices when used in a summative assessment in the context of a…

Improving students’ learning with a mobile augmented reality approach – the EduPARK game

Lúcia Pombo, Margarida Morais Marques

The purpose of this paper is to present a survey study that analyzes mobile learning through students’ opinion regarding the use of mobile devices for learning, including their…

Cover of Interactive Technology and Smart Education



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  • Assoc Prof Pedro Isaias