Tourism Review: Volume 64 Issue 4


Table of contents

Consumer behavior at an industrial travel show

Laura M. Milner

The purpose of this paper is to examine the behavior of consumers in an industrial trade show context – the ITB tourism trade show.


Increasing hotel responsiveness to customers through information sharing

Nicole Tiedemann, Marcel van Birgele, Janjaap Semeijn

The purpose of this paper is to investigate customer responsiveness in the hotel industry, and the role of market orientation including both internal and external information…


Agri‐tourism and rural development: the Low‐Valdelsa case, Italy

Caterina Contini, Paola Scarpellini, Roberto Polidori

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the demand of tourists who stay in agri‐tourist facilities and assess the impact of agri‐tourism on local development in terms of income…


Worker and consumer face‐off on cultural distance and satisfaction

Yasin Boylu, Asli D.A. Tasci, William C. Gartner

The purpose of this paper is threefold: measure the differences in importance of cultural values between Turkish hosts and European guests; measure perceived cultural difference…


Managing music festivals for tourism purposes in Catalonia (Spain)

Francesc González‐Reverté, Oriol Miralbell‐Izard

The purpose of this paper is to assess the touristic potential of music festivals in Catalonia. It is an opportune goal because even though this region is experiencing an…

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  • Prof Dimitrios Buhalis