Journal of Integrated Care: Volume 15 Issue 3

Practical evidence for service improvement


Table of contents

Holistic Thinking and Integrated Care: Working with Black and Minority Ethnic Individuals and Communities in Health and Social Care

Philomena Harrison

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a series of articles which explore the theme of holistic care and integrated practice with BME individuals and communities who access…

Building Bridges in Liverpool: Delivering CAMHS to Black and Minority Ethnic Children and their Families

Iyabo Fatimilehin

The Building Bridges service was implemented as the result of an assessment of the psychological and mental health needs of black and minority ethnic children and families in…


Changing the Focus of Community Mental Health Teams: A Study in one English Locality

Barbara Hatfield, Indhu Sharma, Tony Ryan

This study of community mental health teams (CMHTs) in Knowsley aimed to provide information about changes to the service user group and the nature of work undertaken in the teams…

What Lies Ahead for Partnership Working? Collaborative Contexts and Policy Tensions

Bob Hudson

Partnership working appears to be a key principle of public services reform in both England and Scotland, but there are important contextual differences between the two countries…

NHS Learning Disability Services: Implications of the Cornwall Report

John Dow

‘NHS bodies who run care homes or domiciliary agencies must immediately seek to register their services with CSCI’. This was the first of a number of national recommendations in a…

Local Area Agreements: Strategic Facilitators for Integrated Care?

Mark Watson

Local area agreements (LAAs) are important vehicles for carrying forward an integrated local agenda, and there is no shortage of documentation explaining to local authorities why…

A Citizen‐Led Coalition for Integrated Care

Bob Sang

This paper details the emergence of a user‐led movement focused on self‐management that is beginning to transcend the usual categories of patient, carer and user. It argues that…

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  • Professor Axel Kaehne