Quality in Ageing and Older Adults: Volume 3 Issue 3

Promoting excellence in services through research, policy and practice


Table of contents

The Caring in Later Life report: A secondary analysis of the 1995 General Household Survey

Alisoun Milne, Eleni Hatzidimitriadou

Caring in Later Life is a review of the needs and roles of older carers (Milne et al, 2001). It brings together a wide‐ranging review of academic and policy literature with an…

Committed to caring: Carer experiences after a relative goes into nursing or residential care

Diane Seddon, Kate Jones, Mari Boyle

This article presents the key findings from a collaborative study about the experiences and support needs of carers whose relatives are admitted into a nursing or residential care…


Entry to nursing homes in Taiwan, Republic of China — The role and involvement of families

Li‐Fan Liu, Anthea Tinker

For elderly people the decision to enter an institution is usually the result of complex interactions which involves not only themselves but also professionals and family members…

Breaking the death taboo — Older people's perspectives on end‐of‐life decisions

Tushna Vandrevala, Sarah Hampson, Theopisti Chrysanthaki

The greater availability of life‐sustaining technology, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the medical, legal and moral pressures to use them, often enable the…

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  • Prof Fiona Poland