Journal of Intellectual Capital: Volume 23 Issue 3


Table of contents

Intellectual capital for recovering patient centrality and ensuring patient satisfaction in healthcare sector

Fabio Fiano, Marco Sorrentino, Francesco Caputo, Margherita Smarra

With the aim to enrich the ongoing debate about healthcare management, the paper has a twofold intent: [1] to emphasise the interpretative contribution that intellectual capital…

The relational side of intellectual capital: an empirical study on brand value evaluation and financial performance

Enrico Laghi, Michele Di Marcantonio, Valentina Cillo, Niccolo Paoloni

This study aims to validate a direct method to measure relational capital through the estimation of corporate brands. Considering the influence of relational capital management in…


CRM dimensions and performance of SMEs in Yemen: the moderating role of human capital

Nagwan Abdulwahab AlQershi, Sany Sanuri Mohd Mokhtar, Zakaria Bin Abas

This paper examines the interaction of human capital and CRM on the performance of SMEs in Yemen.


Investigating the link between intellectual capital and open innovation processes: a longitudinal case study

Diego Matricano, Elena Candelo, Mario Sorrentino, Giuseppe Cappiello

This paper investigates the link between Intellectual Capital (IC) and Open Innovation (OI). Scholars worldwide consider the topics as standing alone and so they give scarce…

Identification of knowledge assets in construction projects and their impact on project performance

Harish Kumar Singla, Abhishek Shrivas, Ashu Sharma

The previous researchers have identified human capital, relational capital and structural capital as knowledge assets in knowledge-driven organizations. The current study is an…

Nexus between intellectual capital and profitability with interaction effects: panel data evidence from the Indian healthcare industry

Ranjit Tiwari

This study seeks to understand the nexus between intellectual capital and profitability of healthcare firms in India with interaction effects.

Cultural intelligence and managerial relational performance: a resource advantage perspective

Arthur Egwuonwu, David Sarpong, Chima Mordi

Drawing on the resource-advantage theory, the authors examine the effect of import managers' cultural intelligence (CQ) on their foreign counterpart's psychic distance and…

Harnessing social interaction and intellectual capital in intergovernmental networks

Jose M. Barrutia, Carmen Echebarria

Intellectual capital creation (ICC) in networks has been considered as central to the processes for responding to wicked problems. However, knowledge on the factors that explain…

Shadow prices for intangible resources

Elena Shakina, Iuliia Naidenova, Angel Barajas

Focusing on managerial problems related to the measurement of intangibles, this paper develops and validates a hedonic-pricing methodology for the evaluation of the intangible…

Risk-adjusted banks' resource-utilization and investment efficiencies: does intellectual capital matter?

Qian Long Kweh, Wen-Min Lu, Kaoru Tone, Mohammad Nourani

The purpose of this study is twofold. First, this research estimates banks' efficiencies from the perspectives of resource utilization and investment after incorporating risk…

Intellectual capital and supply chain resilience

Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik, Nick Bontis, Mobasher Mubarik, Tarique Mahmood

The main objective of this study is to test whether firms with a higher level of intellectual capital (IC) perform better in terms of their supply chain resilience compared to…

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  • Professor Merrill Warkentin