Performance Measurement and Metrics: Volume 19 Issue 3


The international journal of library assessment, value and impact

Table of contents

Barriers and solutions to assessing digital library reuse: preliminary findings

Genya Morgan O’Gara, Liz Woolcott, Elizabeth Joan Kelly, Caroline Muglia, Ayla Stein, Santi Thompson

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the initial top-level findings of a year-long comprehensive needs assessment, conducted with the digital library community, to reveal…


Comparison of personas between two academic libraries

Holt Zaugg, Donna Harp Ziegenfuss

A persona describes a group of library patrons as a single person to better identify and describe user patterns and needs. Identifying personas in academic libraries can assist in…

International STEM graduate students: reaching a deeper understanding

Jen-Chien Yu, Kelli Jean Trei, Jamie Carlstone

The purpose of this paper is to better understand the perceptions international STEM students have of the library and higher education based on their responses to the Ithaka S+R…

Reading, writing, and … running? Assessing active space in libraries

Kristina A. Clement, Sian Carr, Lauren Johnson, Alexa Carter, Brianne Ramsay Dosch, Jordan Kaufman, Rachel Fleming-May, Regina Mays, Teresa Walker

The University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Libraries has set aside space and stocked it with treadmill desks, standing desks, cycling desks and balance chairs to encourage physical…


Input resources indicators in use for accreditation purpose of higher education institutions

Yazid Mati

Higher education is a complex system that involves multiple inputs and outputs, where various activities and processes are performed. The purpose of this paper is to monitor the…

How assessment websites of academic libraries convey information and show value

Simone Clunie, Darlene Ann Parrish

As libraries are required to become more accountable and demonstrate that they are meeting performance metrics, an assessment website can be a means for providing data for…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Frankie Wilson
  • Holt Zaugg