Career Development International: Volume 6 Issue 3


Table of contents

The realistic downsizing preview: a multiple case study, part I: the methodology and results of data collection

Steven H. Appelbaum, Magda Donia

While downsizing has become an increasingly popular organizational tool in the achievement and/or maintenance of competitiveness the negative side effect known as survivor…


Corporate business strategy, career management and recruitment: do Spanish firms adhere to a contingency model?

A.F. Martín, F.P. Romero, C.R. Valle, S.L. Dolan

This study attempts to examine career management from a contingency perspective while making specific provisions to the Spanish cultural context. The underlying assumption is that…


Encouraging professional development in small and medium‐sized firms. The influence of career history and job content

Beatrice van der Heijden

The present study describes the relationship between three job‐related predictor variables and the degree of professional expertise of middle and higher level employees, working…


Employing organisations and expatriate spouses: balancing self‐knowledge and knowledge about options

Lyn Glanz, E.C. van der Sluis

The context in which careers are being played out has changed and is constantly changing, both in domestic employment settings and more particularly in global business…


Death of a salesman

John O. Burdett

The author suggests that executive search practitioners would be naïve to believe that the revolution being enacted within their clients’ businesses will not ultimately embrace…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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Merged from:

Executive Development


  • Dr Jennifer A. Harrison