Career Development International: Volume 18 Issue 2


Table of contents

Networking enablers, constraints and dynamics: a qualitative analysis

Sowon Kim

The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals network and develop instrumental relationships, focusing in particular on what enables and what constrains individuals'…


Why they stay: women persisting in US engineering careers

Kathleen Buse, Diana Bilimoria, Sheri Perelli

Women remain dramatically underrepresented in the engineering profession and far fewer women than men persist in the field. This study aims to identify individual and contextual…


Self‐directed career attitude and retirement intentions

Ans De Vos, Jesse Segers

Career self‐directedness is a concept that has gained widespread attention in the literature on new careers and managerial thinking about contemporary career development. In a…


Do‐it‐yourself: An online positive psychology intervention to promote positive emotions, self‐efficacy, and engagement at work

Else Ouweneel, Pascale M. Le Blanc, Wilmar B. Schaufeli

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of an individual oriented positive psychology intervention on positive emotions, self‐efficacy, and work engagement.


Careers in academe: the academic labour market as an eco‐system

Yehuda Baruch

This paper aims to explore the contrast between stable and dynamic labour markets in academe in light of career theories that were originally developed for business environments.

Cover of Career Development International



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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Merged from:

Executive Development


  • Dr Jennifer A. Harrison