Journal of Financial Crime: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

Crime as a Force in Globalisation

Mark Findlay

Crime as a force in globalisation has largely escaped analysis. Even crime as a natural product of modernisation and social development is concealed or ignored in both the…


The Penetration of Asset Protection Trusts

Martin S. Kenney

People seek to accumulate, maintain and protect wealth. The trust relation is among the most popular and flexible legal models available in furtherance of these ends, particularly…

The Internet and US Financial Markets

G. Philip Rutledge

Information intensive industries such as financial services are being transformed by the Internet. Specifically, it is the interactive, multimedia side of the Internet, known as…

Banking Law: Christofi v Barclays Bank Plc [1988] 2 All ER 484

Anu Arora

Where a customer discloses information in confidence in the course of the banker‐customer relationship, but that information has already been made known to a third party as a…

Civil Actions by Shareholders against an Insolvent Issuer: Soden v British & Commonwealth Plc

Adrian Walters

X acquires securities of a company, Y plc. It transpires that Y plc has induced X to acquire the securities by a misrepresentation as to the underlying asset worth of Y plc. Y plc…

The IW Threat from Sub‐State Groups: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Andrew Rathmell, Richard Overill, Lorenzo Valeri, John Gearson

This article is concerned with answering the question: What is the extent and nature of the Information Warfare (IW) threat from sub‐state radical political groups? Although there…

Trends in Computer Crime

Richard E. Overill

In this article the historical development of computer crime is traced and analysed. Some major examples of the phenomenon are examined with particular reference to financial and…

R v Crown Court at Southwark, ex parte Bowles

Rinita L. Sarker

The benefits of accountants seeking prompt independent legal advice to protect both themselves and their clients during criminal investigations has been reinforced by the recent…

Trust and the Intermediary: The Benefits of Licensing TTPs and the Problem of Official Interception

John Leach

There can be no doubt that electronic commerce will become increasingly important to our economic well‐being in the decade ahead. It will allow people and organisations to conduct…

Warfare and Extortion

A. Jones

In recent years, particularly since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there has been a noticeable increase in the quantity and types of arms for sale in the international…

Cayman Islands: Privacy — A Balancing Act in Changing Times

Michael L. Alberga

Over ten years ago, the leaders of the G‐7 countries began to focus on the serious problem caused by the ravenous appetites from within many of their own countries for the…

EC: The Role of the European Court of Auditors in the Battle against Fraud and Corruption in the European Communities

Dimitrios V. Skiadas

This article presents and analyses the role of the European Court of Auditors in the attempts to limit fraudulent behaviour and symptoms of officials' corruption within the…

Hong Kong: Intellectual Property Piracy and the Internet

David Fitzpatrick

It is to be expected that Hong Kong's population would take strongly to the Internet, if only because there are few competing attractions in the Special Administration Region…

Italy: Economic Crime and International Cooperation

Mario Serio

It is a well‐known fact, and one to which a large amount of due consideration has been devoted over the past years by a number of governments, that the international implications…

Italy: Comment on the Money Laundering Section of the Italian Penal Code

Carlo Zaccagnini

The first legislative step undertaken by the Italian Parliament to detect money laundering dates back to Decree 59, issued in March 1978 and brought into force by Law 191/1978…

New Zealand: A Current Analysis of the New Zealand Serious Fraud Office

Shaista Shameem

The New Zealand Serious Fraud Office (NZSFO) was set up in 1989 in response to issues arising out of the 1980s financial crisis, in particular the share‐market crash of 1987. In…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Li Hong Xing
  • Prof Barry Rider