International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research: Volume 28 Issue 7


Table of contents

Rehearsing entrepreneurship: Identity formation in the transition to entrepreneurship after an emotional job loss

Ana Burcharth, Pernille Smith, Lars Frederiksen

This paper investigates how a new entrepreneurial identity forms in conjunction with prior work-related identities during sponsored self-employment after an emotional job loss.

Shaping the social orientation of academic entrepreneurship: an exploratory study

Jason Jahir Roncancio-Marin, Nikolay A. Dentchev, Maribel Guerrero, Abel Alan Diaz-Gonzalez

Despite growing scholarly interest in academic entrepreneurship (AE) few studies have examined its non-commercial aspects and how it contributes to meeting grand societal…

How does international entrepreneurial orientation influence firms' internationalization? An exploration with Indian software product top management teams

Krishna Satyanarayana, Deepak Chandrashekar, Arun Sukumar, Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi

The purpose of this study is to explore how international entrepreneurial orientation of top management team (TMT) of software product firms influence their firms'…

Entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: the effects of long-term orientation

Nader Seyed Kalali

This paper aims to shed light on the relationship between long-term orientation (LTO) and the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in family firms while adopting a…

Digital responses of SMEs to the COVID-19 crisis

Ioannis Giotopoulos, Alexandra Kontolaimou, Aggelos Tsakanikas

This paper aims at exploring the factors that are important for the digital development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in response to the coronavirus disease 2019…


Stay alert, save businesses. Planning for adversity among immigrant entrepreneurs

Diego Campagnolo, Catherine Laffineur, Simona Leonelli, Aloña Martiarena, Matthias A. Tietz, Maria Wishart

Against the theoretical backdrop of the embeddedness and the resilience literatures, this paper investigates if and how SMEs' planning for adversity affects firms' performance.


Mind the gap: public equity as a financing solution for medium-sized enterprises and the influence of national culture

Lisa Paula Koch, Kenny Crossan, Piotr Marek Jaworski

This research focuses on the demand from medium-sized firms to access public equity as a source of finance. The acceptance of public equity differs strongly between countries…

Building self-determination of disadvantaged groups: insights from an entrepreneurship focused program for refugees

Michelle Richey, Jade Brooks, M. N. Ravishankar

This paper examines how entrepreneurship focused programs build capacities for disadvantaged groups to pursue more dignified lives. The struggles of disadvantaged entrepreneurs…

Does practice make perfect? Assessing the formation of expertise amongst new venture founders

Tadeu F. Nogueira, Tommy H. Clausen, Andrew C. Corbett

Prior research has theorised that entrepreneurs use deliberate practice (DP) in the start-up process to improve their competences and achieve new venture success. However, does DP…

Exploring entrepreneurship resilience capabilities during Armageddon: a qualitative study

Julian Fares, Sami Sadaka, Jihad El Hokayem

During disturbances and unprecedented events, firms are required to be resilient to confront crises, recover from losses, and even capitalize on new opportunities. The aim of this…

Citizenship behavior and new venture survival: a cultural tightness-looseness capabilities lens

Robert J. Pidduck, Thomas K. Kelemen, Mark C. Bolino

The authors advance a model theorizing how new ventures elicit citizenship behaviors to cultivate dynamic capabilities that help bolster survival in their nascent years of…

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  • Prof Paul Jones