World Class Design to Manufacture: Volume 1 Issue 6


Table of contents

The New DFM: Design for Marketability

Gianfranco Zaccai

The principles of design for manufacturability have been embracedby many corporations as a means towards achieving world classmanufacturing. This, in combination with the tenets…


Customer‐driven Designs through QFD

Keith Nichols, Derek Flanagan

Combines some of the challenges which the authors have experiencedin applying quality function deployment (QFD) to different applicationsin achieving better, cheaper, faster…


Product Development Teams and Tools Applied to the Aircraft Industry

Nelson O. Weber

Provides insight into using integrated product development (IPD)teams, design for assembly (DFA) and design for manufacturability (DFM)for aircraft design. Aircraft structure is…


Design for Producibility in Swedish Manufacturing Industries

Matts Carlsson, Michael Egan

Describes how several analyses of ease of production have beencarried out in Swedish companies. The results concerning thepossibilities of rationalization are clearly positive…


Rapid Prototyping – The Future

Terry Wohlers

Highlights the future potential of rapid prototyping (RP) andmanufacturing around the world. The US manufacturing industry may be onthe rebound; this will help accelerate the sale…


Supplier Integration

Andrew Lee‐Mortimer

Reports on two presentations given at the 1994 R&D Managementconference organized by Manchester Business School, which highlightedthe research being undertaken to study…


Winning Strategies for Product Development

Gregg Tong

Presents the winning product development teams from the 1994American Product Excellence (APEX) Awards. Describes the secrets ofsuccess which includes taking time to understand…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited