Internet Research: Volume 10 Issue 1


Table of contents

The Internet and services marketing – the case of Danish retail banking

Niels Peter Mols

Examines various aspects of the motives, perceptions and expectations connected with the introduction of Internet banking in Danish retail banking. Responses from 60 key managers…


Changes in the banking sector – the case of Internet banking in the UK

Chanaka Jayawardhena, Paul Foley

The Internet is gaining popularity as a delivery channel in the banking sector. At the same time, customer needs are changing. A total of 12 Internet banking operations in the UK…


Quantitive evaluation of Web site content and structure

Christian Bauer, Arno Scharl

Describes an approach automatically to classify and evaluate publicly accessible World Wide Web sites. The suggested methodology is equally valuable for analyzing content and…


Perceptions of Web site design characteristics: a Malaysian/Australian comparison

Dieter Fink, Ricky Laupase

Compares the perceptions of Malaysians (representing eastern, Asian culture) and Australians (representing western, European culture) for four Web site design characteristics …


The influence of power on trading partner trust in electronic commerce

Pauline Ratnasingam

Power has become an important contextual factor in electronic commerce adoption. Persuading trading partners can mean using persuasive power. Hence, the way power is used to…


The influence of information technology access on agricultural research in Nigeria

Samuel Wodi Jimba, Morayo Ibironke Atinmo

Examines the relationship between accessibility to information technology and research publications among users of agricultural libraries in Nigeria. A self‐constructed…


From EDI to Internet commerce: the BHP Steel experience

Caroline Chan, Paula M.C. Swatman

Discusses the issue of business‐to‐business e‐commerce implementation and the factors affecting it, considering the appropriateness of the various theories which underpin research…

Cover of Internet Research



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Christy Cheung