Journal of Product & Brand Management: Volume 25 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Consumer brand relationships

Guest Editors: Marc Fetscherin

Market brand equity: lost in terminology and techniques?

Don Schultz

The purpose of this paper is to review, update and suggest new approaches to estimate/determine market brand equity (MBE) impact based on additional brand investments in existing…


Exploring behavioural branding, brand love and brand co-creation

Hans Ruediger Kaufmann, Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, Agapi Manarioti

This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the complex consumer brand relationships by holistically exploring the dynamics between brand love and co-creation, how they…


Brand love and positive word of mouth: the moderating effects of experience and price

Heikki Karjaluoto, Juha Munnukka, Katrine Kiuru

This study aims to test and extend Carroll and Ahuvia’s (2006) model on the antecedents and outcomes of brand love by examining the moderating effects of experience and price on…


The impact of brand evangelism on oppositional referrals towards a rival brand

Francois Marticotte, Manon Arcand, Damien Baudry

This study aims to build on the notion of brand evangelism developed by Becerra and Badrinarayanan (2013) by examining how brand relationship variables regarding one brand (i.e…


What drives consumer’s responses to brand crisis? The moderating roles of brand associations and brand-customer relationship strength

Jung Ok Jeon, Sunmee Baeck

This paper aims to investigate consumers’ attitudinal and behavioral responses to brand crisis and examine an empirical model to explain consumer’s internal process in the context…


Consumer-brand relationships’ development in the mobile internet market: evidence from an extended relationship commitment paradigm

Apostolos Giovanis

Given its importance in the brand management of service firms, the present research initiative primarily concerns the investigation of the formation process of consumer-brand…


The relative impacts of experiential and transformational benefits on consumer-brand relationship

Sabrina Trudeau H., Saeed Shobeiri

This paper aims to explore and compare the roles of brand’s experiential and transformational benefits in formation of consumer-brand relationships. Focusing on cosmetics…


Brand typicality impact on brand imitations evaluation and categorization

André Le Roux, Marinette Thébault, Yves Roy, François Bobrie

This research aims to explore the impact of an overlooked variable, brand typicality, on brand evaluation and the categorization of counterfeits and imitations.

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  • Dr Cleopatra Veloutsou