Journal of Property Valuation and Investment: Volume 12 Issue 4


Table of contents

The Valuation of Resort Condominium Projects and Individual Units

Bruce Turner

Over the last 25 years, condominiums have come to form a significantpart of the real estate market in Canada. Reviews the legal structuringof condominiums in British Columbia…


Discounted Asset Rent (DAR) – A New Methodology for Cost Appraisals

Owen Connellan

When valuing “no market” properties using the cost approach, one of thefundamental problems is the reflection of “age‐related” depreciation inthe appraisal process. The uncritical…

Use and Investment Markets in British Real Estate

Geoffrey Keogh

Outlines a simple analytical framework for interpreting property marketbehaviour across use, investment and development markets and reviewsevidence on market activity over the…




Renamed from:

Journal of Valuation

Online date, start – end:

1991 – 1998

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited