Information Technology & People: Volume 12 Issue 1


Table of contents

Organisational change mediated by e‐mail and Intranet: An ethnographic study

Dubravka Cecez‐Kecmanovic, Debra Moodie, Andy Busuttil, Fiona Plesman

Reports preliminary results from an ethnographic study of a consultative process in an Australian university during 1997. By providing a “virtual discussion forum” an…


The office tyrant ‐ social control through e‐mail

Celia T. Romm, Nava Pliskin

The changing role of technology in the virtual workplace has been accompanied by a proliferation of research activity focusing initially on the technical aspects and, more…


Themes in early requirements gathering: The case of the analyst, the client and the student assistance scheme

Cathy Urquhart

Discusses the qualitative analysis of a case study of analyst‐client communications using grounded theory and themed analyses. Describes in detail the interaction that took place…


Beef producers online: diffusion theory applied

Shirley Gregor, Kylie Jones

Members of an Australian beef producer group have become users of electronic communication as a precursor to fuller engagement in electronic commerce. The research team’s…


Making sense of group support systems facilitation: a reflective practice perspective

Pak Yoong

Reports part of a grounded theory study in which 15 facilitators, already experienced in conventional meetings, were trained to become facilitators of face‐to‐face electronic…

Cover of Information Technology & People



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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof Edgar Whitley
  • Prof Kevin Crowston
  • Prof Yulin Fang
  • Prof Jyoti Choudrie