International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 7 Issue 3


Table of contents

Financial service industry mismanagement : Institutionalization and conformist strategy

Gregory B. Vit

States that the financial services industry application of mainstream strategy literature gives ample consideration to an organization’s task and technical environment. Points…


Why variation reduction is not everything: a new paradigm for service operations

Curtis P. McLaughlin

Highlights that one service industry in the USA ‐ health care ‐ has accepted high inherent rates of variation into its process designs. Notes that, increasingly, health care…


Understanding demographic effects on marketing communications in services

Maureen FitzGerald, David Arnott

Points out that research into the use of demographics as a segmentation variable has waned in favour of other variables, noting that research is sparse into links between…


HRM service practices: flexibility, quality and employee strategy

James Arrowsmith, Ann E. McGoldrick

Reports that the continued need to meet increasingly competitive conditions in service industries has encouraged the development of a more strategic human resource approach in…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited