International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 5 Issue 3


Table of contents

Professional Service Firms and Total Quality Management:A Good Fit?

John Haywood‐Farmer, Jean Nollet

A recent managerial trend is the move towards total quality management(TQM) in all economic sectors: manufacturing, service, public and nowthe professional services. Successful…


A Management Control Model Based on the Customer Service Process

Hakan Kullven, Jan Mattsson

Argues that traditional models of management control are in manyrespects inadequate for service operations. As the result of a casestudy on a company engaged in mobile telephony…


Business Process Re‐engineering: An Example from the Banking Sector

Roger Maull, Stephen Childe

Investigates the current literature surrounding business processre‐engineering (BPR). Defines BPR and distinguishes betweenre‐engineering and other change programmes. Sets out a…


Service Firm Location Decisions: Some Midwestern Evidence

Roger W. Schmenner

Using survey returns from 926 service operations of all types from fivestates of the American Midwest, provides insight on what drives theirlocation choices. The location decision…


Relational Exchange in Services: : An Empirical Investigation of Ongoing Customer Service‐provider Relationships

Donald J. Shemwell, J. Joseph Cronin, William R. Bullard

Using primary care physicians, automobile mechanics and hairstylists asthe analysed industries, highlights the importance of relationships inthe marketing of services. Two key…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited