European Business Review: Volume 89 Issue 4


Table of contents

Pan‐European Retail Business: Emerging Structure

Alan Treadgold

Based on recent research, an overview of the new impetus which the1992 programme has added to the internationalisation of Europeanretailers is given. It is suggested that, in the…

Global Branding and the Big Four Theory

James Espey

In an era of rapid change and uncertainty the ability to anticipateand capitalise on change has become a condition for prosperity and thesurvival of businesses. A strategic vision…


The Future for EC Corporate Tax Harmonisation

M. Penny

The European Commission is attempting to harmonise taxes in theEuropean Community but little progress has been made to date with theexception of indirect taxation. The diversity…

The Social Charter: An Opportunity Missed

John Banham

The European Charter of Fundamental Social Rights is discussed andthe view expressed that it represents a missed opportunity. Employers inEurope oppose the draft of the Charter in…

Deutschland über Alles

Tim Green

A review of the present West Germany from a historical perspectiveis given. The state of the economy is discussed with particularreference to the economic implications of the…

Beyond the Wall: The Other Germany

Aidan Stradling

A discussion of the political and economic status of the GermanDemocratic Republic (GDR) in the light of the exodus of young andskilled people from the country in autumn 1989…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Goran Svensson