European Business Review: Volume 31 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Thought Leadership in Africa

Guest Editors: Daniel Johannes Petzer, Stefanie Wilhelmina Kühn

Through the pyramid: implications of interconnectedness in Africa

Kerry Chipp, Marcus Carter, Manoj Chiba

Many markets are conceptualized as a stratified low- and middle-income “pyramid” of consumers. Emerging markets are sites of rapid consumer mobility, and thus the middle class…

Overcoming African institutional voids: market entry with networks

Kerry Chipp, Albert Wocke, Carola Strandberg, Manoj Chiba

Literature on modes of entry has focussed on firm-level strategies. The predominant theories used are institutional theory and the resource-based view. Using an alternate approach…


Not one segment: using global and local BoP characteristics to model country-specific consumer profiles

James Lappeman, Kristin Ransome, Zach Louw

This paper aims to show that a generic bottom-of-the-pyramid (BoP) segmentation strategy does not represent a multi-country BoP consumer profile. A series of multinational entry…

Authentic leadership, happiness at work and affective commitment: An empirical study in Cape Verde

Ana Suzete Semedo, Arnaldo Coelho, Neuza Ribeiro

This study aims to investigate the relationship between perceptions of authentic leadership (AL) and affective commitment (AC) both directly and indirectly through the mediating…


Authentic leadership’s influence on ambidexterity with mediators in the South African context

Caren Brenda Scheepers, Christiaan Philippus Storm

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of a positive form of leadership, particularly authentic leadership, on ambidexterity, as ambidexterity has shown to…

South African corporate ethics codes: establishment and communication

Mornay Roberts-Lombard, Mercy Mpinganjira, Greg Wood, Göran Svensson

The purpose of this study is on the top 500 companies in South Africa (as per the TopCo, 2014 list) that have a code of ethics, to see the current state of development in this…


Impact investing in South Africa: managing tensions between financial returns and social impact

Eunivicia Matlhogonolo Mogapi, Margaret Mary Sutherland, Anthony Wilson-Prangley

Impact investment is an emergent field worldwide and it can play an especially important role in Africa. The aim of this study was to examine how impact investors in South Africa…


Turning on the township: financial inclusion in South Africa

Louise Whittaker, Graunt Kruger

The purpose of this paper is to explore practitioner and academic conceptualisations about what drives individuals (who are the target of financial inclusion efforts) to adopt and…

Influence of organisational factors on the effectiveness of performance management systems in the public sector

Viraiyan Teeroovengadum, Robin Nunkoo, Humaira Dulloo

This study analyses the determinants of an effective performance management system (PMS) in the public sector of Mauritius. It develops a theoretical model that has its roots in…

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  • Prof Goran Svensson