Health Manpower Management: Volume 21 Issue 5


Table of contents

Sickness absence and health at work in the NHS

Ian Seccombe

Presents summary results from two surveys which the Institute forEmployment Studies conducted in 1994 for the Health Education Authority.The first of these surveys reports…


Successful people selection in action

Charles Mak

As a peopleā€intensive industry, the health care service shouldinvest both time and resource in attracting, selecting and retaining itsstaff. Highlights the fact that the…


Career management support for nurses

John Edmonstone, Shirley Watt

The downsizing of many areas of the NHS is now affecting nurseeducation as it moves into the Further/Higher Education sector. Manystaff are terminating their employment…


Training needs analysis within the community

T.R. Desombre, L.A. Munro, R. Priest

A project was undertaken to provide a description of the trainingneeds of agencies who are partners in the provision of care in thecommunity. In developing the research strategy a…


The health care assistant: professional supporter or budget necessity?

Ivor L. Roberts

The budgets of NHS Trust Hospitals are continually under scrutinyin an endeavour to reduce operating costs. Skill mix, the balance ofprofessional staff to nonā€professional staff…


New developments in hospital management

John R. Welch, Brian H. Kleiner

Changes in the health care environment over the past ten years haveprompted changes in the way hospitals are being managed. The rising costof health care has affected Medicare…


The monitoring and improvement of productivity in health care

Carol Kreitz, Brian H. Kleiner

Considers the monitoring of productivity in the health careenvironment. Examines especially the development of a labour standardand a volume indicator. Sees the whole as a…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1998

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Emerald Publishing Limited