Health Manpower Management: Volume 18 Issue 2


Table of contents

Developing Personal Effectiveness in NHS Managers

Celia Robinson

Reports on an intensive short management development course forRegional Health Service (NHS) managers, which focuses on personaleffectiveness and also aims to help managers cope…


Methods of Assessment

Jack Lane

The choice of assessment method is an important task facing theHuman Resource specialist engaged in the selection and development ofpeople. Examines each of the principal methods…


Management of Change: A Case Study in Nurse Education

Michael Lung, David Braithwaite

Focuses on a period of major organizational change in a school ofnursing from 1989 until the present. Describes internal and externalpressures for change and explores the reasons…


Evaluating the Personnel Department

Mike Collins

Many personnel managers apparently fail to make an appreciableimpact on the running of their organization, possibly because their workis mainly seen as subjective rather than…


Accelerating the Pace of Change in the NHS

Sue Steel, Nickie Fonda

Reports on a training initiative, commissioned by the NationalHealth Service Training Authority in 1989, and implemented by theProspect Centre, which aimed to help training…


Innovation and Change in the NHS: A Case Study

Alison Acland

Department of Health manpower management and personnel departmentshave had their workload increased in applying the new administrativemeasures recently introduced to monitor the…


Making the NHS Personnel Function Effective

Hugh D. Flanagan

Argues that, for the National Health Service to be effective andefficient and give a good quality service, the personnel function iscrucial and must therefore receive adequate…


Identifying Skills – The Right Person for the Right Job

Christine Hamm

Suggests that a staff vacancy can provide a rare opportunity toredefine the post, its content and organizational role; and to analysethe personal and professional skills which are…


The ″Expert Plus″ Role of Personnel Advisers in an NHS Trust

Martin Munro

Analyses apparently conflicting pressures on NHS personnelpractitioners for both greater integration into the business andincreased specialization, using Mid‐Essex Hospital…


Collective Bargaining in the Canadian Health Care System

J. Fred Rayworth

Drawing on the Canadian experience of collective bargaining in thehealth care industry, highlights some common elements which may havewider application and are required in the…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1998

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Emerald Publishing Limited