Executive Development: Volume 7 Issue 5


Table of contents

The Best of Times or the Worst of Times?: The Future of the MBA Market in the USA in the 1990s

James W. Schmotter

Examines reasons for “turmoil” in the US management education market.Increasing numbers of MBA schools are responding by changing theirprogrammes, but the pursuit of academic…


Corporate Challenges in the 1990s and the Implications for European Management Education

Paul R. Sparrow

Considers the forces shaping European Business Schools. Changes inparticipation rates in higher education carry implications for customerpower in management education. A relevant…


A Client’s Perception of Business Education

Nigel Barrett

Outlines the requirements of a business school. Business schools shouldbe centres of excellence with high‐quality faculty. Learning styles ofindividuals should be considered and…


Keeping the Customers Satisfied: The Real Business of Management Development

Judy Oliver

The management development market has become client‐led but it remainsdifficult to make sense of a saturated market. Presents an investmentformula for management development which…


The Future of Distance Learning in Management Development

John Daniel

Examines the increasing role of distance learning in managementdevelopment, drawing on the success of the Open University and the OpenBusiness School. Concludes that distance…


Custom‐designed Programmes: The Strategic Response and Implementation Issues Faced by Business Schools

Tony Cockerill

Management education and training needs to be specific to strategic aimsof organizations. Considers the advantages of company programmes andexamines the experience of Manchester…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited