Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 8 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Ethics, politics & academic accounting

The negative effect of an accounting standard on employee welfare: The case of McDonnell Douglas Corporation and FASB 106

C. Richard Baker, Rick Stephan Hayes

Investigates the negative effect on employee welfare caused byeconomic decisions taken by corporate managements which they attributeto the adoption of an accounting standard…


Theory and politics: lessons from feminist economics

Sara Ann Reiter

Investigates two issues raised by D.C. Moore: the apparent failureof critical accounting theory to launch and sustain a critical programmeand relative lack of critical accounting…


Moral reasoning and moral atmosphere in the domain of accounting

Alan Lovell

Much criticism has been levelled at the accountancy profession,ranging from the failure of accounting documents to reveal a moreaccurate reflection of the financial well‐being/ill…


The selling of ethics: The ethics of business meets the business of ethics

Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark

Critically examines the ways in which the boundaries of businessethics are being established within business schools, consulting firmsand corporations. Contrasts this official…


Ethics of teaching critical: feminisms on the wings of desire

Mary M. Day

Identifies critical accounting researchers′ apparent indifferenceto the transformatory needs, wants and entitlements of accountingstudents. After expressing a lack of…


The mountains are still there: Accounting academics and the bearings of intellectuals

Prem Sikka, Hugh Willmott, Tony Puxty

In the UK and elsewhere, accounting vocabularies and practices havecome to permeate everyday life through their involvement in themanagement of hospitals, schools, universities…


Questioning the value of the research selectivity process in British university accounting

Christopher Humphrey, Peter Moizer, David Owen

Provides a response to Puxty et al.′s call for academics tobecome involved in public policy debate. Addresses the issue of theeffect on British university accounting research of…

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  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker