Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 22 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Accounting and subalternity

Guest Editors: Dr Cameron Graham

Accounting and subalternity: enlarging a research space

Cameron Graham

The paper aims to describe the construction of this AAAJ special issue as an exercise in creating and consolidating social space for innovative accounting research.


Accounting assemblages, desire, and the body without organs: A case study of international development lending in Latin America

Dean Neu, Jeff Everett, Abu Shiraz Rahaman

This paper uses the ideas and concepts of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and aims to to examine how accounting works in the context of international development.


The preservation of indigenous accounting systems in a subaltern community

Kelum Jayasinghe, Dennis Thomas

The paper aims to examine how indigenous accounting practices are mobilised in the daily life of a subaltern community, and how and why the members of that community have managed…


Weapons of the weak: subalterns' emancipatory accounting in Ceylon Tea

Chandana Alawattage, Danture Wickramasinghe

This paper aims to report on subalterns' emancipatory accounting (SEA) embedded in transformation of governance and accountability structures (GAS) in Ceylon Tea.


Accounting and Chilean pension reform

Darlene Himick

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on accounting's role in bringing about a pension reform project in Chile under the authoritarian regime of Augusto Pinochet. The paper…


Profession, race and empire: keeping the centre pure, 1921‐1927

Chris Poullaos

This paper seeks to examine the social construction of the racialised, colonial subaltern accountant in the British imperial centre in the early twentieth century..


Management accounting in less developed countries: what is known and needs knowing

Trevor Hopper, Mathew Tsamenyi, Shahzad Uddin, Danture Wickramasinghe

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate management accounting research in developing countries and formulate suggestions for its progression.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker