International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volume 14 Issue 7


Table of contents

The effect of rules, habits and bureaucracies on costing in the UK National Health Service

David Brookfield

The widespread adoption and implementation of costing systems in the UK National Health Service (NHS) has been an important part of the response to the structural changes brought…


Using the statutory audit to support continuous improvement in Scottish local authorities

Mik Wisniewski, Derek Stewart

The new Labour Government elected in the UK in 1997 has a declared commitment to the modernisation of local government and has proposed radical change to the way councils plan and…


Improving quality of life in a region: A survey of area residents and public sector implications

Glen Riecken, Ugur Yavas

Proposes to determine the relative importance of factors on which people rely in choosing a place to live and their assessments of a local area in the Southeastern USA. Presents…

Progress in electronic service delivery by English District Councils

Michael J. Phythian, William G.K. Taylor

The UK Government has set targets for the use of Internet technologies in communicating with their citizens and delivering services to them. This research seeks to identify to…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Rocco Palumbo