International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 3 Issue 2


Table of contents

Getting to the Bottom of Things: A Headmaster’s View of his Changing Role

John Webster

The new Grant Maintained status for a secondary school was precededby participation in an experimental LEA Local Management Scheme. Thiswas the springboard to success in applying…

Interpersonal Communication Behaviour of Male and Female Administrators

Bobby C. Vaught, John D. Pettit, Raymond E. Taylor

This study found that 10 of 16 measures of interpersonalcommunication showed statistical significance between male and femaleadministrators in a university environment. Using the…


The Business/Industry Placement Scheme for Teachers

Alan E. Fendley, Neville D. Harris

A unique one‐year programme for teachers during which they have anextended attachment to an organisation, conduct an internalinvestigation and a guided period of study on school…

The Theory of Educational Administration: An Endangered Species

R.J.S. Macpherson

This article argues that a major review of the theory ofeducational administration is required if it is to regain a crediblerole in academic and practical circles. It does this by…


Democratic Participation and Administrative Control in Education

Lawrence B. Angus

The generally held belief that the extension of participativeadministrative arrangements within education systems has necessarily ledto democratic educational reform is critically…

Cover of International Journal of Educational Management



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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen