International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 10 Issue 3


Table of contents

Environmental scanning in educational organizations: uses, approaches, sources and methodologies

Petros Pashiardis

Suggests that, in today’s world of uncertainty, it is of vital importance for an individual or an educational institution to stay abreast of environmental changes which may affect…


Post‐secondary department heads: expectations for academic leadership and authority

David R. Jones, Edward A. Holdaway

Describes a study which examined expectations for academic leadership of, and sharing of authority by, departmental heads in a community college, a technical institute, and a…


Partnership in social work education: a Northern Irish experience

David R. Bamford

Analyses the experience of partnership in social work education between the University of Ulster and external social work organizations between 1990‐1995. Using a historical…


Virtual conferencing as a tool for the development of pedagogical competence for vocational educators

Gerry McAleavy, Patrick McCrystal

Reports on how the implementation of competence‐based approaches to vocational education and training has resulted in structural changes to the delivery of courses in this sector…


Utilization of student outcomes assessment information in institutional decision making

I. Chris Elford

Considers how higher education administrators can utilize student outcomes assessment information in decision making. Defines student outcomes assessment as any institutional…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen