Journal of Services Marketing: Volume 31 Issue 3


Table of contents

Editorial: the role of the editor – managing fair play

Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Steve Baron

This editorial aims to highlight the challenges and dilemmas faced by journal editors and the implications for the editorial process.


Virtual brand community engagement practices: a refined typology and model

Linda D. Hollebeek, Biljana Juric, Wenyan Tang

Despite Schau et al.’s (2009) pioneering research addressing consumers’ community engagement practices, scholarly understanding of the nature and dynamics characterizing…


Relationship marketing readiness: theoretical background and measurement directions

Christian Grönroos

This paper aims to develop the foundation of a model for assessing relationship marketing readiness (RMR) and provide directions for such an assessment.


All that is solid melts into air: the servicescape in digital service space

David Ballantyne, Elin Nilsson

The emergence of new social media is shifting the market place for business towards virtual market space. In the light of the emerging digital space for new forms of marketing…


An empirical examination of the services triangle

Sidney Anderson, Jeffery Smith

The “services triangle” is a dynamic model in which three interlinked entities (customer, employee and firm) combine to create three dyads [employee-firm (EF), customer-firm (CF…


Rethinking functionality and emotions in the service consumption process: the case of funeral services

Bernard Korai, Nizar Souiden

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the service literature by investigating post-consumption evaluation in the context of unwanted services. In particular, it intends to…


Exploring the “black box” of customer co-creation processes

Jakob Trischler, Simon J. Pervan, Donald Robert Scott

Many firms use customer co-creation practices with the aim of benefiting from their customers’ knowledge, skills and resources. This paper aims to explore co-creation processes…


#IHateYourBrand: adaptive service recovery strategies on Twitter

Alexandra K. Abney, Mark J. Pelletier, Toni-Rochelle S. Ford, Alisha B. Horky

Social networks offer consumers the ability to voice their opinions of brands in a real-time, public setting. This represents a unique challenge for firms as brand managers must…


Information richness and trust in v-commerce: implications for services marketing

Thomas Chesney, Swee-Hoon Chuah, Angela R. Dobele, Robert Hoffmann

The potential for e-commerce is limited by a trust deficit when traders do not interact in a physical, bricks-and-mortar context. The theory of information richness posits that…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Rebekah Russell-Bennett
  • Dr. Mark Rosenbaum