Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: Volume 9 Issue 2


Table of contents

Serving Your Customers′ Corporate Culture: A Sustainable Market Advantage for Computerized Manufacturing Equipment Vendors

Susan Kitchell, Charles S. Mayer

In the 1990s, computerized manufacturing equipment vendors willcontinue to operate within an increasingly competitive environment astechnologies mature and product variety…


International Technology Adoption: Behavior Structure, Demand Certainty and Culture

Lisa A. Phillips, Roger Calantone, Ming‐Tung Lee

Investigates the behavior structure of technology adoption by usingDavis′s (1986) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Explores the influenceof culture and demand certainty on…


Gauging the Value of Suppliers′ Products: Buyer‐side Applications of Economic Value Pricing Models

Kenneth N. Thompson, Barbara J. Coe, John R. Lewis

Posits that, by specifically examining price‐value relationship,buyers can avoid many of the problems inherent in comparingproducts/suppliers in terms of net delivered price…


The Influence of Green Policies on a Dual Marketing Center: An Ecological Marketing Approach

Tom Suraphol Apaiwongse

Explores the efficacy of market‐driven (voluntary) approaches toecological strategies. Examines ecological marketing behavior from amultiperson level of analysis. Focusses on…


Assessing Sample Representativeness in Industrial Surveys

James B. Wilcox, Danny N. Bellenger, Edward E. Rigdon

While industrial marketing managers have long been concerned aboutthe representativeness of sample information, few direct measures havebeen available of how accurately the sample…


An Examination of the Determinants of Global Sourcing Strategy

Mary S. Alguire, Carl R. Frear, Lynn E. Metcalf

Explores the factors that motivate companies to utilize offshoresources or prevent them from doing so. One‐hundred‐and‐fifteen firmsrepresenting 68 different industries were…

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  • Dr. Wesley Johnston
  • Dr Ivan Snehota