Library Hi Tech News: Volume 33 Issue 6


Table of contents

Li-Fi technology in libraries: an introduction and overview

Mayank Yuvaraj

The paper aims to introduce the emerging Li-Fi technology and provide an outlook of its current and potential application.

E-books in the mobile age: advocacy and acceptance in India

Maitrayee Ghosh

This paper aims to understand e-books’ popularity in India and the potential of mobile devices to reach huge number of readers because of content absorption through mobile phones…

Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: WhatsApp-ening with mobile instant messaging?

Katie Elson Anderson

The use of mobile messaging (MM) or mobile instant messaging has grown in the past few years at astonishing rates.


Mobile app recommendations: travel apps

Kristen Julia Anderson

The purpose of this paper is to provide a list of various travel-themed mobile apps that librarians might recommend as a supplement to other print/digital resources. Summer is a…


What’s trending in libraries from the internet cybersphere – bookless libraries – 02 – 2016

Adetoun A. Oyelude

Sean Follmer with his colleagues, Daniel Leithinger and Hiroshi Ishii have created inFORM, where the computer interface can actually come off the screen and one can physically…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Mr Martin Kesselman