Library Hi Tech News: Volume 32 Issue 2


Table of contents

Data visualization as a communication tool

Susan Gardner Archambault, Joanne Helouvry, Bonnie Strohl, Ginger Williams

– This paper aims to provide a framework for thinking about meaningful data visualization in ways that can be applied to routine statistics collected by libraries.


How the new generation of consoles have accelerated the need to preserve digital content – part 2

Matthew McEniry, Ryan Cassidy

This two-part paper aims to expose the challenges and establish the necessity of preserving digital content, with a focus on console video games. Part two identifies the…


OpenCon2014 in Washington DC, November 2014. Early Career Researchers and Open Access Advocacy

Matt Gallagher

This paper aims to give an overview of OpenCon 2014, organized by the Right to Research Coalition, SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and an…


Transforming our libraries, ourselves: ALA in Las Vegas – a brief outline with focus on international programs

Maitrayee Ghosh

The author shares information about the American Library Association’s 133rd annual conference in Las Vegas. This conference served as an open forum for participants on incredible…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Mr Martin Kesselman