Library Hi Tech News: Volume 26 Issue 7


Table of contents

AAAS 2009 annual meeting: our planet and its life: origins and future

Danielle Mihram, G. Arthur Mihram

The aim is to report on the 175th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), held in February 2009 in Chicago.

Library information and communication technology in Nigerian universities

Sylvester O. Anie, Edwin I. Achugbue

This study aims to examine the current state of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policies in the provision and utilization of library services and resources.


Distance education and the role of library services in Iran: a case study of Shiraz University Distance Learners

Aliakbar Khasseh, Hadi Sharif Moghaddam, A. Jowkar

This research aims to address the issues in providing information resources and services to the distance education students of Shiraz University.


New work spaces: wikis for cataloging collaborations

Ksenija Mincic‐Obradovic

The paper seeks to describe how tools like wikis can be used to improve collaboration and communication in project‐based teams and general work groups.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Mr Martin Kesselman