Journal of Consumer Marketing: Volume 7 Issue 4


Table of contents

Reducing Sales Manager Job Stress

J.K. Sager

Discusses the results of a study designed to investigate how salesmanagers experience job stress. Considers the particular extra jobresponsibilities of managers compared with…

Strategies for Successful Penetration of The Japanese Market or How to Beat Japan at Its Own Game

James D. Goodnow, Rustan Kosenko

Discusses the cultural and distribution problems facing Westernfirms wishing to penetrate the Japanese domestic market. Suggests anumber of strategies to circumvent these…

Framing and Sales Promotions: The Characteristics of a ″Good Deal″

Leland Campbell, William D. Diamond

Considers the differences between consumer perceptions ofnonmonetary promotions such as free extra product and monetarypromotions such as discounts and rebates. Reports on an…



This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/EUM0000000002740. When citing the…


A Global Arena

Marc C. Particelli

Discusses some of the general trends contributing to globalizationfrom both a market and competitive perspective. Considers a frameworkfor assessing competitive advantage and the…

The Role of Haggling in Marketing: An Examination of Buyer Behavior

W. Wossen Kassaye

Examines the marketing function performed by haggling in both pricesetting and providing price information to customers who do not read andwrite. Considers the process of haggling…

A Perspective on Brands

Peter Kim

Considers the plight of the advertising industry during the 1980s.Discusses the value of brands, advertising versus promotion, the natureof brands, how brands are advertised, and…

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  • Neel Das
  • Mujde Yuksel