European Journal of Marketing: Volume 48 Issue 3/4


Table of contents

Intelligent sensor-based services success: the role of consumer characteristics and information

Jiyoung Hwang, Linda Good

– The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of consumer characteristics and information in explaining their shopping intention regarding intelligent sensor-based services.


Segmenting consumer reactions to social network marketing

Colin Campbell, Carla Ferraro, Sean Sands

– The purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers may be segmented with respect to their reactions to social network marketing.


Why, how and to what effect do firms deviate from their intended marketing plans?: Towards a taxonomy of post plan improvisations

Peter S. Whalen, David M. Boush

Very little is known about why, how and to what effect firms deviate from intended marketing plans. The aim of this paper is to extend the understanding of this phenomenon, post…


Improving customer retention management through cost-sensitive learning

Kristof Coussement

Retailers realize that customer churn detection is a critical success factor. However, no research study has taken into consideration that misclassifying a customer as a…


A socio-cognitive approach to customer adherence in health care

Lan Snell, Lesley White, Tracey Dagger

Adherence is a critical factor for success, for both the health of the customer and the financial outcomes of the firm. Central to the success of adherence behavior is the…


Relationship between the dominant social paradigm, materialism and environmental behaviours in four Asian economies

Michael Polonsky, William Kilbourne, Andrea Vocino

This papers aim is to test the relationships between the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP), materialism, environmental concern, and environmental behaviours, in four Asian economies…


Others service experiences: emotions, perceived justice, and behavior

Anna Mattila, Lydia Hanks, Chenya Wang

Often, service failures are witnessed by other customers, but little is known about how consumers react to service recovery aimed at other customers. Using the deontic theory of…


E-relationship marketing: a cognitive mapping introspection in the banking sector

Isabelle Brun, Fabien Durif, Line Ricard

The aim of this paper is to explore and better understand e-relationship marketing and to identify elements (key concepts) that are predominant to ensure success via the internet…


Pricing plans for a financial advisory service

Christian Schlereth

In cooperation with a German online retail bank, the aim of this paper is to investigate how the bank should price a new fee-only financial advisory service. Two types of pricing…


Dynamics of price premiums in loyalty programs

Serdar Sayman, Stephen J. Hoch

A loyalty program might influence buyer behavior in several ways. Prior research offers evidence that buyers might increase the frequency of purchases and volume per occasion in a…


Hard economic times: a dream for discounters

Lien Lamey

The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between the popularity of discount stores and the aggregate business cycle: Does discounters' market share go up during economic…


The moderating effect of normative commitment on the service quality-customer retention relationship

Gordon Fullerton

Limited attention has been given to the effects of normative commitment (NC) in a marketing relationship. This paper investigates the effects of service quality and normative…


Shopping at different food retail formats: Understanding cross-shopping behavior through retail format selective use patterns

Hayiel Hino

The aim of this paper is to address intertype cross-shopping behavior – that is, the behavior that characterizes consumers who divide their grocery shopping between two or more…


How retailer coupons increase attitudinal loyalty – the impact of three coupon design elements

Ralf Wierich, Stephan Zielke

– The aim of this paper is to investigate how different design elements of retailer coupons increase the attitudinal loyalty towards retailers.


Buyer control in domestic and international supplier-buyer relationships

Arnt Buvik, Otto Andersen, Kjell Gronhaug

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the prior relationship length and employments of supplier specific investments on buyers' control, and compare this effect…


Promote me or protect us? The framing of policy for collective good

Anjala Selena Krishen, Robyn Raschke, Pushkin Kachroo, Michael LaTour, Pratik Verma

The aim of this paper is to identify the best marketing communications for policy messages that makes these messages acceptable and fair to the public. Within the context of the…


A customer lifetime value model for the banking industry: a guide to marketing actions

Yeliz Ekinci, Nimet Uray, Füsun Ülengin

The aim of this study is to develop an applicable and detailed model for customer lifetime value (CLV) and to highlight the most important indicators relevant for a specific…


Implicit sponsorship effects for a prominent brand

Jean-Luc Herrmann, Olivier Corneille, Christian Derbaix, Mathieu Kacha, Björn Walliser

This research seeks to examine the influence of sponsorship on spectators' consideration sets by investigating, in a naturalistic setting, whether sport sponsorship adds a…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall