European Journal of Marketing: Volume 38 Issue 9/10


Table of contents

Paradigmapping marketing theory

Sid Lowe, Adrian N. Carr, Michael Thomas

Paradigms are sets of prior assumptions that configure ways of seeing. This article employs a notion taken from Web of Life to map how paradigms in marketing have proliferated…


Innovation or customer orientation? An empirical investigation

Pierre Berthon, James Mac Hulbert, Leyland Pitt

This paper explores the contrast between marketing and innovation orientations and develops a model that provides an inclusive paradigm. The resulting archetypes and their…


Organisational innovation in SMEs: The importance of strategic orientation and competitive structure

H. Salavou, G. Baltas, S. Lioukas

This study considers determinants of organisational innovation in small to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs), as expressed by the number of product innovation adoptions. Drawing…


Sociocultural meanings in visually standardized print ads

Michael Callow, Leon G. Schiffman

The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of using standardized visual images in global print advertising campaigns. In particular, it examines how visual images…


Drivers of customers' cross‐buying intentions

Paul Valentin Ngobo

Why do some customers cross‐buy different services from the same provider while others are less disposed to do so? The present research examines the drivers of the customers’…


A firm's role in the marketplace and the relative importance of market orientation and relationship marketing orientation

Alan C.B. Tse, Leo Y.M. Sin, Oliver H.M. Yau, Jenny S.Y. Lee, Raymond Chow

A study was conducted to determine the relationship between a firm's role in the competitive environment and the appropriate strategies to use. Using firms sampled from China, it…


The effect of word of mouth on services switching: Measurement and moderating variables

Florian v. Wangenheim, Tomás Bayón

The effects of word of mouth (WOM) on the receiver's attitudes and intentions have been studied at length, but the question under which conditions WOM leads to a behavioural…


Export performance as an antecedent of export commitment and marketing strategy adaptation: Evidence from small and medium‐sized exporters

Luis Filipe Lages, David B. Montgomery

This paper argues that performance should be investigated as an independent variable. Using survey data of over 400 managers responsible for the main export ventures of Portuguese…


Relationship development in international retail franchising: Case study evidence from the UK fashion sector

Anne Marie Doherty, Nicholas Alexander

The relationship marketing paradigm has emerged as a major tool by which marketers may examine and conceptualise relationships with consumers, however its application to the…


Internationalization of small, computer software firms: Entry forms and market selection

Øystein Moen, Morten Gavlen, Iver Endresen

Internationalization has often been described as a gradual development, in terms of involvement and entry forms, in which firms are expected to target gradually more distant…


Business‐to‐business relationship quality: An IMP interaction‐based conceptualization and measurement

Ka‐shing Woo, Christine T. Ennew

Although relationship quality is recognized as a central construct in the relationship marketing literature, relatively little attention has been paid to the issues of: the…


The role of communication and trust in explaining customer loyalty: An extension to the ECSI model

Dwayne Ball, Pedro Simões Coelho, Alexandra Machás

Loyalty has, over the past decade, become a crucial construct in marketing, and particularly in the burgeoning field of customer relationship management. This paper shows that…


Organizing customers: Japanese travel agencies marketing on the Internet

Zhongmin Zhang

This paper argues that organizing customers is an essential marketing element on the Internet. Through examining Internet marketing activities of three major Japanese travel…


A contingency model of behavioural intentions in a services context

Paul G. Patterson

Numerous studies have shown customer satisfaction to be the crucial antecedent of perhaps the most important constructs in marketing – loyalty and customer retention. However the…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall