European Journal of Marketing: Volume 30 Issue 5


Table of contents

Marketing ethics: is there more to it than the utilitarian approach?

Jacques Nantel, William A. Weeks

Of all the management fields, marketing is probably that which seems the most paradoxical when it comes time to consider its ethical aspect. This paradox stems from the fact that…


Setting socially responsible marketing objectives: A quality‐of‐life approach

M. Joseph Sirgy, Dong‐Jin Lee

Financial‐ and growth‐oriented marketing objectives of traditional marketers have been criticized by marketing ethicists, because these objectives may lead to socially…


The link between green purchasing decisions and measures of environmental consciousness

Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Greg M. Bohlen, Adamantios Diamantopoulos

A review of the literature suggests that traditional segmentation variables (socio‐demographics) and personality indicators are of limited use for characterizing the green…


Going green in the service sector: Social responsibility issues, implications and implementation

Stephen J. Grove, Raymond P. Fisk, Gregory M. Pickett, Norman Kangun

Over the past decade there has been an increasing awareness of the many ways that businesses affect the ecology of the planet. Most of the attention, however, has been directed…


Ethical issues in insurance marketing in the UK

Stephen R. Diacon, Christine T. Ennew

Concern about ethical practices in the marketing of financial services has increased in recent years, despite an apparent strengthening of the regulatory framework. In part the…


The need for moral champions in global marketing

Lyn S. Amine

In order to portray the ethical and social responsibility implications of marketing potentially harmful products to vulnerable consumers in less developed countries, newly…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall