New Library World: Volume 95 Issue 6


Table of contents

The Pursuit of Competitive Advantage in Libraries Leads ... Where?

Maurice B. Line

Competitive advantage has become essential to survival. Argues thatlibraries in the public sector are losing their monopoly position andhave increasingly to compete with both the…


The Academic Libraries of Developing Countries: Towards Effective Book Provision in the Face of Austerity

Gifty Boakye

Despite its fundamental importance, resource provision has not beenaccorded the necessary emphasis in academic libraries in developingcountries. Attempts to draw attention to this…


Balance or Bias? Information Selection for the Researcher

Jane A. Barford

Argues that the growing availability of information, especially fromelectronic sources, offers both potential and problems for theresearcher. Increasingly, information has become…


A Proposal for Change at Moi University Library: Staff Development, Training and Promotion

Shem Isindu Davidson Khamadi

Discusses the aims and objectives of Moi University, a science andtechnology‐oriented institution of higher education. Outlines themission of the university library, the aim of…




Online date, start – end:

1898 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Asian Libraries