Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 12 Issue 2


Table of contents

Multi‐national retailing: A slow advance?

Roderick White

When the UK went into the EEC, there was quite a lot of speculation that before long we would be seeing the development of truly multi‐national retailing; Fine Fare and Tesco…

Recent trends in retail employment

Leigh Sparks

Britain is currently undergoing a severe economic recession which has increased the number of registered unemployed to over 3 million. Employment has fallen dramatically, with…

Fast food calms down: the new brand of Huckleberry's

Sue Sharpies

From 13 up to 30 in 1984 is the hoped for expansion rate of Grand Metropolitan's fast food restaurants, Huckleberry's. They see themselves becoming a national chain to vie with…

Women managers — A wasted retail resource?

Penelope Ody

Like catering or teaching, retailing is traditionally regarded as “women's work”. As such it suffers from the familiar downgrading of “feminised” industries with low pay, poor…

Comparing financial performance: Ratio analysis and retail management

Leslie Chadwick

Some retail companies are so preoccupied with the business of selling that they tend to forget how their own company's performance compares with those of others. In this article…


Alternatives to EFTPOS: Is the Smartcard smart enough?

Tim Kingaby

As we discussed in our last issue, there are a number of difficulties which are impeding the satisfactory introduction of EFTPOS, not the least of which seems to be a remarkable…

Managing new information technology in distribution

Nigel Piercy

Managers in retailing and distribution have been bombarded in recent years with the results of the microelectronic revolution, in terms of the hardware, varying from electronic…



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1973 – 1989

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