International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 28 Issue 10/11/12


Table of contents

On the norm of equality

Mark A. Lutz

Perceiving discrimination and unequal treatment as a problem implies an underlying value of human equality. Argues that such prescriptive equality is more powerful and more…


Ethical foundations of the contemporary living wage movement

Deborah M. Figart

Faith‐based activism in living wage campaigns is on the rise. Summarizes recent campaigns to enact living wage ordinances in US municipalities, underscoring the role of…


Microenterprise as a practical alternative to maquiladoras

Barbara Kraemer

Examines alternative ways to foster microenterprises in developing countries. Microenterprises, in contrast to maquiladoras (assembly or processing plants), contribute to just…


Equitable allocations and the case for access

Roger A. McCain

Reviews some recent neoclassical‐economic writing on equitable allocation of resources and inquires whether this approach to equity might lead to a case for a right to access…

Is there injustice in the international economy?

Kishor Thanawala

Economic as well as ethical aspects of discrimination and other forms of injustice in the context of a nation’s economy have been discussed by scholars for many decades. However…

Poverty: a worldwide form of injustice

Walter W. Haines

As Bill Gates’ estimated wealth has reached the unimaginable mark of $100 billion, and other billionaires are being created daily, the problem of inequality is becoming more and…


Economic dimensions of telecommunications access

Barry Keating

As wealth and income increase, so too does the desire and ability to communicate with others. Suggests the opposite conclusion: that the link between telecommunications access and…


Trade as if children mattered

Brent McClintock

The use of abusive child labor in developing countries is investigated in terms of its violation of the fundamental human rights of children and its role in international…


An alternative safety net to patient dumping

John J. Hisnanick

Hospitals adjusted their admitting practices and treatment protocols in response to the prospective payment system (PPS) enacted by the Health Care Financing Agency over a decade…

Race, disability and assistive devices: sociodemographics or discrimination

Rose M. Rubin, Shelley I. White‐Means

This research provides empirically‐based, detailed information on race as a determinant of the relationship between chronic illness/disability and assistive device use by elderly…


Networks, culture, transaction costs and discrimination

Petur O. Jonsson

Starts out with a survey of various formal theories that have focused on discrimination in the labor market. Argues that Becker’s traditional taste for discrimination model, the…


Salary compression and inversion in the university workplace

Edward J. O’Boyle

There are two grounds in the USA for bringing a claim of race or gender discrimination: discriminatory intent; and discriminatory effect. As to age discrimination, however, a…


The functionality of market‐based discrimination

William Darity

Advances a framework for understanding the mechanisms that maintain unearned or inherited advantage or privilege in a hierarchical world of unequal rewards and differential…


Discrimination, inequality and the competitive model of US education

Bill Luker, Steven L. Cobb, William A. Luker

US public education is dominated by a win‐lose competitive model. While this model has been relatively successful in educating and training most Americans to function in the type…


Family structure, Afro‐Euro inequality and economic justice

Steven Shulman

The dramatic increase in the fraction of all Afro‐American families headed by single women accounts for approximately two‐fifths of the Afro‐Euro family income gap. Examines the…

Is discrimination disappearing? Residential credit market evidence, 1992‐98

Gary A. Dymski

Makes three contributions to the ongoing debate over whether racial discrimination is disappearing, and white privilege eroding. First, develops an argument concerning why many…

Insider trading in financial markets: legality, ethics, efficiency

Phillip Anthony O’Hara

Scrutinises legal, ethical and efficiency standards for and against insider trading. The main arguments supporting insider trading are that it promotes economic efficiency and…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett