International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 22 Issue 9/10/11


Table of contents

Contending perspectives on post‐communist transition: strategies for economic transformation

John E. Elliott

Examines critically the promises and dilemmas of capitalisttransition and economic transformation in the context of apost‐communist society such as Russia. Discusses the…


Culture confronts Marx

Daniel J. O’Neil

Focuses on the thought of representative social scientists whorejected the Marxian class/exploitation thesis and opted for a culturalinterpretation of development. Explores the…


The sequencing of post‐communist transition

John E. Elliott

Examines the sequencing of economic reforms in the post‐communisttransition, focusing on Russia. Proposes a moderately expansionarystabilization, succeeded by gradual…

Economics and social reality: Professor O’Neil and the problem of culture

Leslie Armour

Examines the relationship between economics and culture. Discussesthe role of Protestantism, Calvanism and Catholicism in the affluency ofsocieties. Refers to the article by D.J…


Forging a Catholic‐Evangelical alliance in the American context

Daniel J. O’Neil

Explores the possibility and probability of a Catholic‐Evangelicalalliance within the US social arena. Notes the numerical strength andsystemic importance of each tradition…


Catholic and Evangelical élites in dialogue and alliance

Gerard F. Rutan

Throughout their histories the Evangelical and Catholic communitieshave been traditional opponents. Seldom have they agreed, and never havethey joined to work as one within the US…

The institutional limitations of Catholic progressivism: an economic approach

Anthony J. Gill

From the vantage point of the 1970s and early 1980s, the LatinAmerican Catholic Church appeared to be on a trajectory of increasingprogressivism, typically manifesting itself as a…


Catholic and Evangelical voting: 1992 and 1994

Henry Kenski

Uses Voter Research and Survey General Exit Polls to compare thepolitical orientation of Catholics and Evangelicals. Since aggregatesreveal, but also conceal, the data are…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett