International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 22 Issue 3


Table of contents

Social justice and environmental policy

Andreas Spillmann

Are the distributional effects of environmental measures just?Answers this question, to do which we normally use the segregationargument: poor people live in highly polluted…


Test evidence for the OECD countries, 1965‐85: the relationship between the size of the public enterprise sector and economic growth

Paul C. Fowler, Donald G. Richards

Examines empirically the proposition that a large public enterprisesector for an economy acts as an obstacle to a healthy rate of economicgrowth. The empirical analysis…


John Maynard Keynes and Alvin Hansen: Contrasting methodologies and policies for social economics

Lewis E. Hill

Contrasts the methodologies and policy implications of therespective theories of John Maynard Keynes and Alvin Hansen. Keynes useda rationalistic epistemology and deductive logic…


Disintegration of the Soviet politico‐economic system

John E. Elliott

Examines the process of systemic disintegration in the USSR broughtabout by perestroika, demokratizatsiya and glasnost.Places Soviet economic crises in a broader political and…

Ethics and economics: a view from ecological economics

Masudul Alam Choudhury

The exogenous and endogenous types of relationships between ethicsand economics are explained in neoclassical and non‐neoclassicalframeworks. Market consequentialism…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett