Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 20 Issue 5


Table of contents - Special Issue: Auditing human resourcing

Guest Editors: Gerald Vinten

Gender differences in perceptions of accounting firm alumni

Venkataraman M. Iyer, K. Raghunandan, Dasaratha V. Rama

To examine if there are systematic gender‐based differences in the perceptions of accounting firm alumni about their experiences with accounting firms.


Determinants of audit time as a proxy of audit quality

Stergios Leventis, Constantinos Caramanis

The purpose of this paper is to examine auditor‐ and auditee‐related factors that determine audit time, as a proxy of audit quality. The issue of audit quality is of particular…


Job satisfaction of managers in tourism: Cases in the Antalya region of Turkey

A. Akin Aksu, Aylin Aktaş

To investigate job satisfaction of middle and upper level managers working in 5‐star hotels and first‐class holiday villages and to note interests of tourism professionals…


Conversations with internal auditors: The power of ambiguity

K.A. Van Peursem

Aims to examine the New Zealand internal auditor role and conceptualise on the auditor's influence over that role. At its heart lies the question of how an effective internal…


Communication skills are critical for internal auditors

Gene Smith

To provide internal auditors with a summary of the communications skills needed for a successful professional career in internal auditing.


How to achieve organizational trust within an accounting department

Gene Smith

To provide accounting department management and employees issues to consider when building trust within an accounting department.


Evidence for increasing the focus on strategic risk in HRM audits

Daniel A. Verreault, MaryAnne Hyland

To communicate the development and results of strategic human resource management (HRM) research to the audit research community in order to stimulate audit research specific to…


The auditor and the trade union

Gerald Vinten

Of all the relationships that auditors enter into, that with employees seems relatively neglected, and with the trade unions virtually absent from consideration. During the…

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  • Professor Jie Zhou