Engineering Computations: Volume 17 Issue 5


International journal for computer-aided engineering and software

Table of contents

Tests in von Mises and isotropic Hoffman elastoplasticity

Pankaj, Khalid Moin

Plane strain constitutive behaviour of von Mises and isotropic Hoffman materials is examined using single element tests. Two kinds of tests are conducted – (a) prescribed…

An optimal control approach to the design of stacked‐ply composite flywheels

Scott Thielman, Brian C. Fabien

This paper presents a novel approach to the design of composite flywheels. Specifically, the paper determines the optimal orientation of fibers in a stacked ply composite disk…

Mixed convection heat transfer in ventilated cavities with opposing and assisting flows

A. Raji, M. Hasnaoui

Mixed convection heat transfer in ventilated cavities submitted to a constant heat flux has been numerically studied using the Navier‐Stokes equations with the Boussinesq…

Evaluation of the ductility features in steel structures with softening moment‐rotation behaviour based on a nonconvex optimization formulation

S.M. Karakostas, E.S. Mistakidis

In order to determine the ductility features of steel structures, several approaches have been introduced in the bibliography. In this paper a certain method is proposed which…

A combined finite/discrete element simulation of shot peening processes – Part I: studies on 2D interaction laws

K. Han, D. Peric, A.J.L. Crook, D.R.J. Owen

In the first part of this series of papers on the combined finite/discrete element simulation of shot peening processes, different contact interaction laws for 2D cases are…


Simultaneous optimization of the sensor and actuator positions for an active noise and/or vibration control system using genetic algorithms, applied in a Dornier aircraft

D.A. Manolas, I. Borchers, D.T. Tsahalis

Active noise control (ANC) became in the last decade a very popular technique for controlling low‐frequency noise. The increase in its popularity was a consequence of the rapid…

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  • Prof. Chenfeng Li