Engineering Computations: Volume 15 Issue 8


International journal for computer-aided engineering and software

Table of contents

Numerical analysis of a hot‐strip rolling problem with Coulomb‐Siebel friction

T. Angelov, A. Nedev

An isothermal, steady‐state, hot‐strip rolling problem for rigid‐plastic, strain rate sensitive and incompressible materials with coulomb‐siebel friction contact conditions is…

A boundary element method for three‐dimensional elastoplastic problems

A.P. Cisilino, M.H. Aliabadi

An efficient boundary element method (BEM) formulation for three‐dimensional elastoplasticity is presented in this paper. The BEM formulation for nonlinear problems requires…

Evolutionary structural optimisation (ESO) using a bidirectional algorithm

O.M. Querin, G.P. Steven, Y.M. Xie

Describes development work to combine the basic ESO with the additive evolutionary structural optimisation (AESO) to produce bidirectional ESO whereby material can be added and…


Metal forming simulation: Numerical efficiency in rolling processes ‐ part I

J.J. Anza, M.A. Gutierrez

The numerical simulation of metal forming processes follows a highly non‐linear analysis where general aspects such as elastoplasticity, finite deformation and contact mechanics…

Metal forming simulation: Numerical efficiency in rolling processes ‐ part II

M.A. Gutierrez, Y.M. Ojanguren, J.J. Anza

The numerical simulation of metal forming processes approximated by means of finite element techniques, require large computational effort, which contradicts the need of…

Fracture in concrete specimens of differing scale

J.E. Bolander, H. Hikosaka, W.‐J. He

A planar lattice network of beam elements is used to study the mechanisms of fracture in cement‐based materials. Beam properties are controlled by a nonlinear elastic fracture law…

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  • Prof. Chenfeng Li