Industrial Management & Data Systems: Volume 90 Issue 1


Table of contents

″Continual Improvement″ for Competitive Advantage

Michael Pettersson

Continual improvement for competitive advantage is not the primarypolicy of organisations, either in theory or practice. A deductiverationale is presented for the emerging need to…

Personal Data: The Act Begins to Bite

Peter Tarrant

Managers responsible for personal data held on computer need to beaware of and comply with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1984.Registration and compliance with the eight…

Computer Maintenance

Adele Ward

Computer failure at some time is almost inevitable and canrepresent a major financial loss to the user. It therefore becomesimportant for any company that is dependent in some…


Pragmatic Computing for Personnel Selection

David Shirley

The development of a consultancy company specialising in executiverecruitment selection is described. A computer system to handle all thejobs and applicant details is an essential…

Broadband and Beer

Laura Newton

When it came to networking Ind Coope′s Burton‐on‐Trent Brewery,Allen‐Bradley′s Communications Division provided an integrated broadbandcable solution which has enabled the brewery…

Managing Information Overload

Christian E. Meglio, Brian H. Kleiner

Information is a valuable component to life and one that cannot beavoided. The ability to manage the constant flow of information receivedevery day can enhance life itself. This…

Cover of Industrial Management & Data Systems







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Industrial Management

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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Alain Yee Loong Chong
  • Prof Hing Kai Chan