Journal of Management Development: Volume 11 Issue 6


Table of contents

Developing Strategic Leadership: The US Army War College Experience

Herbert F. Barber

Discusses US Army War College approach to including StrategicLeadership in its curriculum. Key aspects emerged from a preliminary,widely based conference: the environment in which…


Learning to Manage Strategically: Prescription for a Changing World?

Roy W. Hinton, Elizabeth Londo

Intent is to provide a set of practices for effective design ofstrategic management education programmes and a set of implementingprocedures. Distinguishes the strategic manager…

Fostering Strategic Change in a Function through Executive Education: The Case of Purchasing

Virginia T. Freeman, Joseph L. Cavinato

Describes the role of an executive education programme in fosteringchange in traditionally passive business functions. The objective is tomove the function from its traditional…

The Strategic Management of Health Services

David Perkins

Looks at how a regional health authority is setting aboutdevelopment of high quality managers through partnership with a smallgraduate business school in creating a new MBA…

Management Development at Siemens Electronics: Hitting a Moving Target

Jack S. Goodwin, Robert M. Fulmer

Discusses how an in‐progress management development programmebecame the vehicle of a “cultural revolution” afteracquisition by another company and helped to consolidate the…

Building Transnational Partnerships in Executive Learning through Applied Research

Douglas A. Ready

A rapidly changing environment requires new thinking by strategicleadership – intangible competences must be cultivated. Suggeststhis is best approached through partnership…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson