Strategic Direction: Volume 18 Issue 8


Table of contents

Growing for globalization – GE and Benetton’s differing approach

Picture this. You are the CEO of the most valuable organization on the planet. You have 12 core businesses, all of which created net earnings of $12.7 billion in 2000, and from…


Why Ford, Renault and Nissan plan to speed up their deliveries

As competition within the auto industry intensifies, the emerging global giants are accelerating the pace of change and introducing a proliferation of niche models with…


Nature or nurture? Turning to the military in the leadership debate

Is leadership all about nature or nurture? The debate has been raging since the beginning of management thinking and is becoming something of an exhausted topic. Whilst there are…


Investor relations – taking a fair share of the responsibility

When institutional shareholders famously opposed the HP/Compaq merger, we stood witness to the power of the investor in today’s organization. Shareholders have the ability to…


Customer retention strategies at a UK telephone bank

When Frontier Bank (not its real name) set up its telephone banking service for businesses in 1995, the aim was to have 30,000 customers on board by 2000. The people at the UK’s…


Communicating the message on change

Few comments on business organizations are more damning than the suggestion that they are resistant to change. The refusal to embrace change, whether in response to consumer…


How to succeed in the Internet economy

The struggles encountered by digital market places during the last two years might lead many enterprises to make a desperately bad business decision. That unwise choice would be…


Advancing automotive technology

The next five years will be extremely crucial to the global automotive industry. In facing many challenges, not least continuing over capacity, most manufacturers are looking for…


Managing product life

It seems that manufacturers are increasingly accepting that the focus in today’s market is innovation; products that clearly differentiate themselves from others while also being…

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  • Miss Emma Steele