International Journal of Operations & Production Management: Volume 15 Issue 9


Table of contents

A planning model for just‐in‐time batch manufacturing

Erne Houghton, Victor Portougal

Addresses the problem of implementing just‐in‐time (JIT) principlesin a processing shop organized in a batch manufacturing environment. Thefocus is on a processing shop separated…


Labour stability and flexibility – conditions to reach just‐in‐time

Per Dahlén, Johan Ericsson, Hiroshi Fujii

Describes labour stability and flexibility in Japanese versusSwedish manufacturing industries. Presents a theoretical framework wherea number of fields which other researchers…


A mathematical programming model for a pull type ordering system including lot production processes

Norio Watanabe, Shusaku Hiraki

Considers a multi‐stage multi‐product production, inventory andtransportation system including lot production processes and develops amathematical model for a pull type ordering…


Optimal scheduling of just‐in‐time purchase deliveries

Samar K. Mukhopadhyay

The success of a JIT system depends on the effective implementationof all its components, including JIT purchasing. Even after followingall prescribed implementation procedures of…


A DEDS model for a serial pull system and an analysis of material movements

Shanling Li, Ershi Qi

Most of the literature on just‐in‐time (JIT) production lines hasfocused on modelling the system into Markov‐chain. However, in practice,demands for products are known in a short…

The optimal number of kanbans in a manufacturing system with general machine breakdowns and stochastic demands

Houmin Yan

Considers manufacturing systems with a failure‐prone machine and astochastic demand. The production is controlled by a kanbanscheme. Although the kanban‐control enjoys many…


An analysis of line‐stop strategy in just‐in‐time manufacturing

Dooyoung Shin, Hokey Min

In pursuit of zero‐defect quality, a growing number of JITmanufacturing firms often consider a line‐stop strategy that allowsworkers to stop the assembly line when abnormalities…


JIT quality matrices for strategic planning and implementation

Biren Prasad

Introduces a set of JIT house of matrices (collectively called hereJIT quality matrices (JQM) and a matrix‐based procedure to analyse theresults of strategic planning and…


Comparative analysis of group scheduling heuristics in a flow shop cellular system

Bor‐Yuh Leu, John W. Nazemetz

Investigates group scheduling heuristics in a flow shop cellularsystem with two types of order shipment environment: permitted earlyshipment (PES) and forbidden early shipment…


On the design of generalized kanban control systems

Yannick Frein, Maria Di Mascolo, Yves Dallery

Considers a class of control systems known as generalized kanban control systems (GKCS) which can be used to implement a pullcontrol mechanism in a manufacturing system. In a…


Using two object‐oriented modelling techniques: specifying the just‐in‐time kanban system

Sea Ling, Bohdan Durnota

Modelling by means of specification languages is increasingly beingrecognized as an important phase in system development. It encouragesone to think about problems using models…


Appraisal of JIT using financial measures

K. Vinodrai Pandya, J. Boyd

In the last 30 years many Japanese companies have set up plants inthe UK. This has brought many benefits, one of which being theintroduction of their unique style of management…


Implementation and utilization of a decentralized storage system : costing model

Tiffany A. Sargent, Michael G. Kay

Companies using just‐in‐time principles are currently moving fromcentralized to decentralized storage areas. A question that needs to beaddressed is whether this move is cost…


Just‐in‐time purchasing and supply: a review of the literature

Niall Waters‐Fuller

Identifies three schools of thought within the broad just‐in‐time(JIT) sourcing literature which are labelled as the“advocate”, “pragmatic” and“sceptic” schools. The former group…


An integrated JIT inventory model

Avijit Banerjee, Seung‐Lae Kim

Derives an integrated inventory replenishment model for a buyerthat buys a single product from a vendor that manufactures this item anddelivers it to the former in fixed…


Use of simulation in the design of a JIT system

P.S. Welgama, R.G.J. Mills

Many manufacturing organizations are switching over to JITmanufacturing systems following the success of Japanese industries.Presents a case study of a simulation modelling…


Is price‐quantity discount dead in a just‐in‐time environment?

Omprakash K. Gupta, Ranjan B. Kini

Companies have traditionally relied on taking advantage ofprice‐quantity discount (PQD) on large purchases. With the adoption ofjust‐in‐time (JIT) philosophy companies are…


A case study: Lessons from the progressive implementation of just‐in‐time in a small knitwear manufacturer

Pete Mazany

While many larger organizations have been implementing just‐in‐time(JIT) for the past decade or more, smaller organizations have beensomewhat slower to adopt these ideas even…


Technical note: Safety mechanisms in just‐in‐time systems

Jan Olhager

Safety stocks can be introduced in different ways in production andinventory control systems. The three basic types are physical safetystock, safety lead time, and hedging…

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  • Dr Tobias Schoenherr
  • Prof. Constantin Blome
  • Robert D. Klassen