Management Research News: Volume 19 Issue 4/5


Table of contents

Micro‐Macro Linkages in Higher‐Performance Employment Systems

Clair Brown, Michael Reich

Our analysis of Japanese and US employment and wage systems examined institutional constraints upon firms' human resource systems, especially for high performance workplaces. We…


Financial Markets and Human Resource Management: Short‐term Dictation or Missing Information? — The French Personnel Report Experiment

Charles‐Henri D'Arcimoles

It is often said that financial markets and investors do not fully consider human resource management issues. Speculation and short‐term pressures sometimes dictate investors…

The Missing Link: High Performance and HRM

Jim Lowe, Rick Delbridge, Nick Oliver

In recent years certain writers have put forward the notion that a distinctive and definite change has occurred in the way in which employees are managed (Beer et al, 1985; Guest…

20 Years Later — What Have We Learned on the Measurement of Organizational Effectiveness Since Steers Model?

Yehuda Baruch

In his seminal work, published in the ASQ (1975), Steers identified the main problems concerned with the measurement of organizational effectiveness (OE). He suggested a general…

Reshaping Work Organization in British Firms

Martyn Wright

There has been much discussion of the reform of work organization in British companies in recent years. Much of the debate has been informed either by case studies of a small…

The Emergence of Banking Panopticons

Mark Hughes

The research is based upon HRM and technological changes and explanations of these changes offered to employees in the “big four” clearing banks between 1990 and 1994. The…

Organising Employment for Higher Performance in the UK Television Industry

Gillian Ursell

“Man is the measure of all things”, to paraphrase the Sophists. Alternatively, one could invoke the Marxist assertion of the social and relative character of the concept of value…

The Whitecoated Worker in the High Performance Company

Keith Randle

The environment within which the pharmaceutical industry is operating is dynamic and highly competitive. Government cost‐ cutting in healthcare, the rise of generic drugs…

High Trust, High Knowledge, High Stress — The Inherent Ambiguities of Japanese High Performance

John Salmon

Few western commentators now seriously doubt the industrial achievements of Japanese manufacturing industry. Not many, however, can find a common explanation for the era of high…

HRM in the New Economic Environment: An Empirical Study of India

Paul R. Sparrow, Pawan S. Budhwar

This paper is developed from the second author's ongoing Ph.D. research, which focuses on the managerial thinking (personnel specialists) about strategic management of human…

Change in Employee Relations — Can Line Managers Deliver?

Jeff Hyman, Ian Cunningham

This paper originates from a 30‐month study funded by the Leverhulme Trust on ‘Preparing Managers for Changes in Employee Relations’. The study consists of two linked empirical…

Perspectives on Employee Performance

Peter Stannack

This paper describes a research project which was designed to identify

Productivity, Machinery and Skills in the United States and Western Europe: Precision Engineering

Geoff Mason, David Finegold

Previous intra‐European comparisons carried out at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) have identified close links between inter‐country differences in…

The Link Between HR Strategy and Training: An Examination of French and UK Organisations

Olga Tregaskis

Training and development has traditionally been excluded from strategic organisational issues. However, increasing competition and the conceptualisation of human resources as a…


Involving Doctors in Management: A Survey of the Management Development Career Needs of Selected Doctors in NHS Wales

Richard Walker, Philip Morgan

The pace of the development within the NHS initiated both by recent government reforms aimed at introducing a more businesslike attitude to health care, coupled with advances in…

Strategic Interventions? Realising the potential of strategic training and development for high performance

Brian Blundell, Lyn Daunton, Mike Saunders, Bob Townley

The attitude of owners and senior managers in small and medium sized businesses towards training and development is a significant factor in determining the provision of…

The Perception of Training and Development for a High Performance Economy in the People's Republic of China

Mohammed Branine

This paper is an eye‐witness account of how training and management development policies are put into practice in Chinese state‐owned enterprises. Observations are made on how…

The Distribution of Financial Participation Schemes in British Workplaces

Keith Whitfield, Michael Poole

Financial participation schemes have become much more prevalent in recent years. It is clear that many organisations view them as an important component in the search for…

The New Pay — Losing Sight of Reality?

Geoff White

The growth of more contingent pay systems has been a key development in the 1980s and 1990s. Various contextual changes — such as the pattern of employment, the decline of…

Linking Corporate and Reward Strategies for High Performance: The Case of the NHS

Paola Bradley

Current management thinking centres on the concept that the “customer is king”. However, poor performance by demoralised staff erodes service quality and customer satisfaction…

Peformance Culture: The Causes and Effects of Performance Pay in Public Services

Edmund Heery

It is commonly argued, not least by the Conservative Government, that failings in public services stem, not from inadequate financing but from poor management. Accordingly, the…

TQM and Employee Involvement in Context

Adrian Wilkinson, Graham Godfrey, Mick Marchington

There is a basic ambiguity in TQM in that, while managers seek the commitment and co‐operation of their employees, increased control over the work process is a cornerstone of TQM…

The Case for Employee Empowerment as a Means of Enhancing Organisational Performance

Penny Gardiner

The potential for increasing organisational performance by empowering employees at all levels of the workforce and providing opportunities for participation and learning is now…

High Performance Teams: Riding the Cycle

Tony J. Watson, Julie Rosborough

The paper attempts to make generalisations about high performance work systems drawing on a study of the implementation of team working and the replacement of traditional…

The Consequences of Flexible Working Times on German Industrial Relations

Michael Whittall

In the UK the flexibilisation of working time in relation to part‐time working has been one of the key areas identified in the growing polarisation of the workforce along with…

Flexibility, Job Security and Self‐Employment in the UK Construction Industry

Peter Nisbet

Does flexibility in employment relations necessarily mean a polarisation into desirable and undesirable jobs? The Core/Periphery labour force structure was developed as the model…


Workplace Industrial Relations Under Stress: Ten Year After the Single Union Deal at Norsk Hydro

Alan Tuckman

In 1985 workers for the Norsk Hydro Fertilizers signed new contracts under the company's New Personnel Package, effectively — through pressure on individual workers and the…

The Flexible Psychological Contract? Career Management in an Era of Insecurity

Patrick McGovern, Philip Stiles, Veronica Hope

This paper proposes to examine the management of the psychological contract — particularly that for professional and managerial staff — in the context of organizations with a…



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1978 – 2009

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